Presidents Report – August 2019

Hi all,

Last month we had our AGM and “election”.

I put “election” in inverted commas because all positions remained the same, including the 2 vacancies.

Those being Vice President and Events Coordinator.

Thank you to Malcolm McEwen for his input as VP and on the night, we had 2 members step up to have a go at the VP position.

They being, Peter Tolland and Mark Phillips.

Peter joined the club in 2000 and while active in the day, due to the usual circumstances we haven’t seen him for a while. He came to the AGM and wanted to reconnect with the club and contribute.

Mark Phillips joined 2 years ago and has been very active since, attending many runs and events.

He has helped with parking and organising things on the day.

This is my last year as President so I would like the VP to join the committee with the ambition to take on the Presidency next year.
I propose to members that we appoint BOTH Peter and Mark as joint VP’s so they can learn the ropes and we can have an election next AGM for you to vote on who you want.

This is great position for the club to be in as whoever comes second hopefully will stay on as VP and be there for the club in the future.

After 33 years in the club and most of them on the committee I will always be there to help where needed.

Now on the Events Coordinator.

I think members have the wrong idea about this job.

I have had many people approach me and say “I can’t get to everything” or “I can’t organise all the events”.

The events coordinator is a central point in the club to handle information about events.

While it is beneficial and enjoyable to go to many of the events don’t feel bad if you can’t.

We have many members already organising events such as the Traffic Dodger runs every month, Robertson Pie Run, Dam Run etc.

Then we have the regular annual shows like the All American Day, Anniversary Round Up at Vineyard, All Ford Day, Shannon’s Classic and the Spring Muster at Linnwood House.

Between all these we already have a full calendar with a great variety of events.

What we need is someone to be a central contact for the club and prepare the calendar for our Editor, David Lodge to publish.

Pat Schinella has been a great help in the interim, especially recently with compiling the lists for the All Ford Day and Shannon’s Classic, and he was a natural to the next Events Coordinator but apparently, he preferred to continue being married to Christine.

When his work commitments change, I’m sure he will be joining the committee in some form.

So, if you can help as Events Coordinator let me know, and thank you to all those who do help to make the club what it is today.

Our next big day is the Spring Muster at Linnwood House and all are invited.

We will have trophies, trade stands and a sausage sizzle provided for every Mustang driver and passenger. Presentation is at 3pm and you need to be there to get your trophy, otherwise it will go into my cabinet and I will tell everyone I won it!!

I am away for the next meeting and there will be no President’s report next month (stop cheering).

Thank you to all who have contributed to the club including the many we don’t get to see that often such as the regional delegates and committee members who can’t make the meetings.

Until we meet again, enjoy your Mustang

David Livian