Presidents Report August 2024

David Livian

Hi Everyone,
Well, here I am again in the “top job” but, like Biden, it’s not
for another 4 years!
Firstly, thank you to Pat for an excellent job as President, as
well as backing up with He organised hotels, meals and
function venues and gave the newly formed Nats25 Committee a fantastic starting point
to firm up details. Pat will still be involved with registration but has other duties to
perform outside the club, which he has rightfully prioritised.
The Nats25 committee has been formed and I welcome Brendon Osborne as the leader of
a capable committee including Michael Pentecost, Mark Dingwall, Kim & Colin Broadbent,
Frank Dannaher, Bruce Sinclair, David Burnett, Brian McAllister and myself.
There are others already volunteering to help in the days leading up to, as well as on the
day, and I thank you all. This is a big opportunity that only comes to NSW/ACT every 5
years, and we have a reputation for holding an exceptional event.

On to MOCA NSW local news and thank you to all the existing MOCA NSW committee who
have reenlisted for another year.
In addition to them I welcome a couple of new names to the front table, being Henry
Shahinian as Vice President and Alanna Healey as an ordinary member.
I know “ordinary member” sounds derogatory but that is the term Fair Trading use in their
model constitution, the constitution which we adopted, for a committee member with
duties yet to be allocated.
Alanna has a financial background and will shadow our treasurer, Chris Stavenhagen, as he
wishes to step down at the end of this financial year.
(does that make her the Shadow Treasurer? )

I would also like to thank all the non-executive members and regional contacts who have
also reenlisted in their respective duties. Their continued support is greatly appreciated.
Matt Thompson is doing a great job giving you all plenty of reasons to drive your Ponies,
but if you have any ideas for runs or shows let him know.
Tim and Cathy Jameson have also offered to help Matt with events, but we do need
someone to take over Merchandise for the club as Kieth has had enough.
Let us know if you can help, and you won’t be left on your own as we will be here to assist.
All our contact details are in the front of this magazine and on the website so if you have
any questions call one of us.
By the time you read this we would have had close enough to 150 Mustangs on display at
the All Ford Day (thank you Pat for parking them all) but we will have the Shannons Sydney
Classic at SMP to look forward to with a special generational display in pit lane, along with
Lawrie Bonnello’s Fastback entered in the CMC Concours.
Unfortunately, all the tickets are gone for the SSC but come out and have a look at the
huge variety of vehicles on August 25th.
Theres always something to do in your Mustang so I’ll see you on the road soon.
Enjoy your Mustang David Livian