Presidents Report – February 2020

With much of Australia battling with bush fires, and now catastrophic hail storms in the ACT, we hope that our members are safe and have not lost property, including Mustangs.

At the recent All American Day it was with mixed emotions that we welcomed the rain, as we certainly needed it, but we knew it would affect attendance.

Highly promoted as an all-weather event we had the undercover carpark available to us but only want to use it if the weather was really bad.

The cars look great in the open and can deal with a bit of drizzle.

With much discussion and deliberation, we finally decided to stay on the roof.

Attendance of 300 vehicles was good considering many would have the decision not to come during the week and we really appreciate those who supported the show.

I announced to the collected enthusiasts the donation by the MOCA NSW on their behalf of $13,000 to the Childrens Hospital at Westmead which includes a healthy top up from our club and I will present a more manageable sized cheque to the hospital in the near future.

As usual this day couldn’t happen without the support of the financial partners (formerly known as sponsors), the judges, parking,
registration and raffle people, trade stands and Macarthur Square management.

Of course, Bruce Sinclair, Ken Buckland and many other members were a great help.

(If I mention some and forget one, I’ll be in trouble, so you know who you are, and I thank you.)

The lower attendance will affect our donation next year but all we can do is our best.

On events, we have a new Events Co-ordinator in Pat Schinella, OFFICIALLY!!!

I have been handling all EC duties recently and Pat has been very helpful with his assistance.

We joke at the meetings that he already was the EC but now he has accepted the role officially.
Thank you, Pat and Christine.

I will still organise my pet projects and of course there are many other members contributing such as Frank Dannaher, Mel Taylor, Paul Clark, Bruce Christ and Peter Cartwright in the Sydney basin and all the regional delegates also doing a great job, but now we have a central coordinator to keep everyone informed.

The next big club event is the 56th Anniversary Pony Round Up at Vineyard Hotel and this will be on Sunday, April 19. We hope you can attend this great day.

That is the weekend between Easter with the Nationals in South Australia and the Anzac Day weekend. (not a long weekend)

We hope you can make it as we will have all the usual entertainment and offers provided.

Look at our calendar for some other great reasons to use your Mustang.

Until next time, enjoy your Mustang
David Livian