NSW Membership & Renewals


Application Process for New Members

Easiest Method:

Go to Membership section of the Document Centre.

Either 1: Load the Word version of the Membership Application Form, fill out the form on your computer, print it out, sign it, scan it, attach it to an email and send it to

Note : If you have an electronic signature stored on your computer you can avoid the print and scan part of this process.

Or 2: Load the PDF version of the Membership Application Form, print it out, fill it in by hand, sign it, scan it, attach it to an email and send it to us as above.

The Secretary
Mustang Owners Club – NSW
P O Box 289
St Ives NSW 2075

Click Here to download the Application Form in Word Format

Click Here to download the Application Form in PDF Format

To Save the Form to your computer – Right Click & choose Save As

How to Pay MOCA — Membership Renewals & Other Transactiions
From the Treasurer

Note: Please do not send phone pictures of the form as the file formats are almost impossible to either print successfully or save on our computer master file.  PDF or Word files are preferred as attachments to your email.

To save the form to your computer, Right Click & choose Save As and give it a file name

Preferred Payment Method

Direct Deposit by Electronic Funds Transfer.  Deposit $75 into Mustang Owners Club of Australia (NSW) Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) BSB 062 139 Account Number 00903078.

Don’t forget to mark your transfer clearly with your name so we can match your payment to your application. Preferred format is e.g. John Jones: just entering J Jones may clash with other similar names.  Many applicants also send us a copy of the electronic bank deposit voucher which assists in providing a clear connection to their application form.

Note: You can also deposit $75 into our account at any branch of the Commonwealth Bank if you find that easier

Alternative Payment Methods:


Print out a Membership Application Form, fill it in, sign it attach a cheque for $75 made out in favour of Mustang Owners Club of Australia (NSW) and post to: The Secretary Mustang Owners Club NSW, P.O. Box 289 St Ives NSW 2075.


If you come to a Mustang gathering of any sort e.g. a show or a general meeting, you can get a Membership Application Form from a committee member, one or more of them will be in attendance at the event and pay $75 in cash.  You will be sent a receipt.  Your application will be processed from that point.

Please do not post cash as it invites theft and destruction of your application.

After your application is processed you will be sent a welcome pack by our Membership Officer.

Please be patient, we are all volunteers; your application will be processed as quickly as we can.  However, if you haven’t received a reply in two weeks or so you are welcome to contact us.

Membership Renewals

Easiest Method:

Just transfer $75 to our bank account by Electronic Funds Transfer/Direct Deposit.

Don’t forget to mark your transfer with your member number or your name e.g. Bill Smith to ensure we know who is paying – saves a lot of mystery deposits that take considerable time to resolve.  This is vital if you have a vehicle on concessional registration as any delay could render your vehicle unregistered if you are close to the due date which is 30th June each year

Other Methods:


Send a cheque in favour of Mustang Owners Club of Australia (NSW) to our postal address.  This method is much slower due to the length of time it takes for posted items to reach our hands.  EFT/Direct Deposit is much faster!

Optional: You can send us an email advising that you have paid your renewal to


You can pay cash at a general meeting that you attend and get a receipt.

Important Notes:

  • If you have given us your current email address you will receive an automated receipt from the Club’s data base programme. This response relies on us having your current email address.  If you need to change any of your details, an email advising us of any changes to your details at renewal time is a good opportunity to do so.
  • If you do not have an email address a receipt will be posted to the address we have for you on the database. If you have changed your mailing address please inform us; renewal time is a good opportunity to do this.
  • Remember if you become unfinancial and your Mustang is on Club Plates, its registration is immediately suspended – don’t be caught driving an unregistered vehicle – renew your membership on time!
  • June 30 is the deadline for renewals however late renewals will be accepted for a time after that.
  • If you are on Club Plates there is no extension; your vehicle will be unregistered after 30th June so don’t delay your membership renewal!

Please be patient, we are all volunteers and your receipt may take a number of days to arrive.

If you are still reading at this point thank you for your attention and happy Mustanging.

Visitors are always Welcome, Just come along & introduce yourself
Come on a Club Run75